Heathers Helpful Homeowner Blog

Hello, Heather here, and I want to help all of you soon-to-be homebuyers and homeowners navigate all the ups and downs of homeownership. Whether you are buying a used home, fixer-upper, or completing new construction let me help you on your journey. 

There are so many reasons to hire a permitting company. Each person and company has unique knowlege in the industry. If I could count all the weird stories that lead me to have a passion for permitting. Almost every permit is unique and that is where we start in our #1 reason for hiring a Permitting Expert.


1. Unique Knowledge


They have unique knowledge of permitting specifically with differnt muncipalties and building codes, land development codes and other rules that you may not know or maybe you don't have the time or knowledge to keep up with all the new incoming information


2.Shorter Wait times


Most wait times are shorter because you can bypass alot of the red tape. If a permit is rejected your expidietor will be able to work with you and your team to make the proper corrections that may have been made. 




They will watch your permit and ensure things are progressing in a timely manner. This ensures your time is used else where and things progress in a timely manner.




Most documents require notarization. Not only can you get your permits issued but you have a one stop shop for all your notar needs as the paperwork can be endless when trying to get permits issued. 




They can usually help you have an idea for permitting costs so you can plan effectivly and stay within your budget.


6.Determine you local municipalty


Not sure whether you are County, City or some other muncaplity. Thats why you hire a permitting company to do all the leg work. They can decide also whether you will go through building, zoning, planning, right of way or some other department. 


7.Project Management


They can walk you through the whole process from the start to the finish. One mistake alot of people make is hiring a contractor and that contractor may have a slip up and not close your permit out causing issues if you ever goto sell your home or business. 


 8. They do all the "hard" work


Filling out paperwork, dealing with different Plans Reviewers, jumping through different muncipalty hoops may sound easy untill its eating away at all your time and pateince. Best to leave all that hard work to the experts. 




You can trust that you project will be explained. You will feel more edcuated knowing you have someone along your side during the whole project. 


The permitting process can be long and stressful but with a trusty permitting expert you can ensure that you will have no problems. Check us out on google to see all our reviews here at Smallwood Solutions LLC. We have over a decade of Building Permit expertise and 18 years combined permitting experience in the City, County and State. Call us today for all you permitting needs! 850-679-5590 or email us at info@sspermits.com